✭ Investing in Education ✭ Improving Our Community ✭
Our mission is to provide community-based resources in pursuit of excellence in education, teaching, and innovation in the classroom.
The Grapevine-Colleyville Education Foundation (GCEF) was founded in 1998 to support programs and opportunities that benefit Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District students and staff. GCEF is a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax exempt organization that operates independently from the school district under a Board of Directors and two GCEF staff members.
During the 2024-2025 GCEF Prize Patrol, the Foundation proudly awarded 27 grants to our amazing teachers, totaling over $45,000! Thanks to the incredible support of our generous community, we continue to enrich the academics of our students, teachers, and classrooms. Together, we make a difference!

While public education tax dollars cover basic educational needs, the Grapevine-Colleyville Education Foundation creates opportunities that go beyond the basics through generous contributions and dedicated efforts.
GCEF Generates Funds Year-Round to:
- Support Student Achievement and Skill Development
- Recognize and Encourage Staff Excellence
- Expand Community Involvement From Individuals, Businesses, and Civic Organizations
GCEF Raises Funds Through:
- General Donations
- Sponsorships
- Fundraising Events
- Endowments
GCEF Distributes Funds To:
- Star Teacher Grants
- Student Scholarships
- Campus Endowments
- District-Wide Programs Including
- New Educator Luncheon
- Adopt-A-Teacher
- GCISD Top Graduates Ceremony
- District Employees of the Year
- GCISD Retirees Dinner
- GCISD Junior Football Captain
GCEF has distributed over $4 million in program funding and awarded over 2000 grants, scholarships and other projects.

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